HomeTraq Joins National Fintech Accelerator

Sep 22, 2021 8:28:18 AM / by Mark Gorman

“Charlotte is one of the largest financial hubs. And there’s many banks, credit unions, mortgage companies that are based out of there. Our goal is to get hooked up with some of the big national banks and take this nationally as quickly as possible.” CEO Mark Gorman says RevTech has a focus on fintech, and has the connections that he’s looking for. HomeTraq offers home buyers the ability to get an agent to open up a house they want to see without commitment or being automatically put on that agent’s call list. The St. Louis startup distributes its platform through banks, credit unions and mortgage companies to help them retain customers.

ST. LOUIS, MO - HomeTraq joins nationally recognized fintech and insurtech accelerator program, RevTech Labs for their Fall Cohort. They are joined by seven other startups from around the world.

The eight startups making up the class represent a range of solutions across both the financial and insurance industries. The RevTech Labs team connected with close to 4,000 companies from around the world, narrowing the numbers down to 61 through an internal screening process and selecting only eight final companies after hosting a Selection Week with program partners and sponsors. 

For the fall, RevTech Labs is offering a hybrid program to provide both value and flexibility to startup Founders. “All our advisory boards, task force meetings and curriculum sessions will continue to be hosted virtually through Zoom,” says Jasmine Boyce, RevTech Labs Program Manager. “We intend on facilitating an in-person roadshow to New York for Fintech Week and other in-person opportunities to engage our Founders. With the recent spike in COVID, we will continue to monitor the CDC guidelines in order to make the safest and most strategic decision for our upcoming cohort.”

Want a sure-fire bet to grow this year?

With HomeTraq you'll not only get more mortgage leads but also find many opportunities to cross-sell your other products and services. Don't keep losing business to Agent referrals: start capturing more business from your own customer base.


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Topics: Marketing, Sales Pipeline, Mortgage Lenders

Mark Gorman

Written by Mark Gorman

Co-Founder of HomeTraq. 30 years mortgage & real estate experience.