How to Engage with Consumers and Fund More Mortgages.

Jun 28, 2022 8:43:44 AM / by Brett O'Daniell

For mortgage lenders, approximately 1 out of every 10 clients will buy a home in the next year. But how do you know which ones they are?

With roughly half of HomeTraq home showings eventually leading to closing, we empower lenders to re-market to existing clients who may be currently shopping and earn new clients looking for a better way to shop for new homes.

Instead of paying for real estate agents’ advertising and hoping they refer their customers to you for a mortgage, you can partner with HomeTraq and retain every single real estate lead you generate. We’ve compiled a few cases from existing partners who are actively marketing HomeTraq to their customer base by deploying our B2C marketing through email campaigns and paid advertising. Here are the results:


Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 2.17.38 PMEmail Campaign:

Descriptive Data

  • Campaign 1: 7351 contacts enrolled; 22% open rate, 2% Click rate, 9% click through rate (CTR)
  • Campaign 2 : 3140 contacts enrolled; 22% open rate, 3% Click Rate, 13% CTR
  • Campaign 3: 1881 contacts enrolled, 21% open rate; <1% click rate, 3% CTR


Conversion Totals

  • 372 views which resulted in 232 form submissions = 62.37% conversion rate from those who clicked on the link.
  • 145 unique form submissions from 30,000 sends. These are local homebuyers looking to buy (and sell) real estate in your market.

Paid Advertising:

This extremely low cost per lead will set your loan officers up for success. Our leads include the name, email address, and most often the phone number of a local person who has expressed interest in buying or selling a home.  

By filling the top of the sales funnel, you can qualify leads and build a database of potential borrowers. By marketing to your current customer or member base, you can more easily identify those that are ready to apply for a mortgage. In addition, we help you set up a process for advertising where you can measure your results and make needed adjustments to improve your performance. 

Our solution gives you the opportunity to generate your own mortgage opportunities without waiting for customers to approach you. Are you interested in learning when your own customers or members are searching for properties and actively touring them and receiving real-time notifications for active home shoppers?

Let's Talk


Topics: Lending, Down Payment Assistance

Brett O'Daniell

Written by Brett O'Daniell

Co-Founder of HomeTraq. 18+ years real estate and mortgage experience.